Sunday, February 18, 2018

You are personally invited! Join us at MUSLIM SCHOOL BOOKS

You are personally invited!

Assalalmu Alaikum wa Rahmatullah wa Barakatu,

What a pleasure to welcome you to Grandma Jeddah’s new Facebook page-MUSLIM SCHOOL BOOKS.

MUSLIM SCHOOL BOOKS was created to help our Muslim youth feel proud to be Muslims so they can hold on to Allah’s rope in this world and Insha’Allah attain Paradise in the hereafter. 

MUSLIM SCHOOL BOOKS is intended to develop educational material that our children can relate to--material that reflects their Islamic cultural values, Islamic experiences, and Islamic beliefs, insha’Allah, by the Grace and Mercy of Allah.

If you have children, run an Islamic school, have children in an Islamic school, or homeschool  your children, please join us. You may have received an invite to MUSLIM SCHOOL BOOKS recently. Ahlan wa Sahlan-Welcome to MUSLIM SCHOOL BOOKS!

Yours Truly,
Grandma Jeddah

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Grandma Jeddah

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